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Our Heritage

Haddon Institute is committed to cultivating historical convictions for contemporary challenges. Our heritage is marked by three distinctives: Reformed confessionalism, Puritan piety, and Spurgeonic mission.

Reformed Confessionalism

Haddon Institute is an esteemed academic institution rooted in the Reformed tradition and guided by confessional principles. While we deeply appreciate all major Reformed Confessions, our closest alignment is with the Second London Baptist Confession of Faith (1689), which we embrace as a faithful and comprehensive summary of vital biblical teachings.

Puritan Piety

Haddon Institute is committed to forming godly minds and hearts that connect rigorous doctrine with radiant doxology. We follow our Puritan forebears by emphasizing experiential piety in our life and doctrine.

Spurgeonic Mission

Haddon Institute is focused on strategic mobilization for maximum gospel impact. We accomplish this by nurturing individuals who embody wisdom, virtue, and a profound comprehension of their Christian faith. Following the missional ethic of Charles Spurgeon, we aim to equip students to make a transformative difference in the world by bringing glory to God through their family, vocation, and local church.

Haddon Institute LogoHaddon Institute

Our vision is to see the Australian Church fear and behold the majesty of the Lord Jesus Christ in all of His offices, through all of His means, to the end of His glory from generation to generation.

936 Stanley Street East
East Brisbane, 4169
Queensland, Australia


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1800 231 689

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